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Everyday is just reguler day. Everyone said Saturday night  is one looking for night for having fun with their life. Everyone said Vallentine is the day you confess you feeling to your lover but to me, it’s just reguler day. I had empty, I feel sick, am I really this.. lonely? No. I just being me.

One day, I realized I had nothing. I thought my pockets were filled with happiness, but really they were empty. It shouldn’t have surprised me, since I’d never made an effort to fill them with anything. But I wasn’t even aware of it. I’d been leading an aimless, meaningless life. 

Then suddenly, one day, it felt as though I’d lost a lot of time. I could talk with anyone. Absolutely anyone. But I had no close friend. Not even one. It was obvious what that meant. My life couldn’t have been more shallow.  My childhood friend, Fahru Muhammad, was the only person I could talk to freely. Yes.. He was my friend. (“I’ll do it all over and I’ll do it better this time”).

An earnest wish. But making it come true isn’t easy. Everyone struggles with that. People don’t find happiness automatically. They have to work for it. What is happines? Is it like youth? Then what is youth?. “Something bright and wonderful. I guess.” Laras once said. “Who cares? Don’t waste time thinking about it. Eeaaaa..” Irfan retorted. A long time ago, someone else said it was “Life’s tightrope walk”. Al three of their opinions feel right to me. It’s wonderfull, unknowable, and terrifying. Of course it’s hard question. It has no answer. But I decided to search for one. Unfortunately, the flow of time was cruel. In no time at all it was summer. In the blink of eye, it was fall. Before I knew it, I’ve turn into final-year. I got worried. I was still empty handed. I hadn’t even glimpsed what I should be doing. I’d just been wasting time.

This post is just for duty, can be deleted anytime.

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